About Us

Phoenix OHC’s professionals have post-graduate degrees, are accredited and have many decades of consulting experience among them. In addition to providing the full spectrum of occupational hygiene and health risk management services, Phoenix’s approach is to constantly “raise the bar”, to contribute to the development of the profession. One of our hygienists was instrumental in developing the criteria whereby national occupational hygiene accreditations are gauged against an international standard.

In addition to applying standards, we help in developing them. One of our hygienists served on the CSA / CGSB committee that developed a standard for enhanced protection of our First Responders in preparation for a CBRN attack (CAN/CGSB/CSA-Z1610-11) and another is serving on ANSI committee Z88.12 (Respiratory Protection for Infectious Aerosols). We have also served on AIHA WEEL and Risk Assessment committees, as well as participated in an ASHRAE working group on airplane air quality.

One of our toxicologists has participated on expert panels reviewing the scientific basis for exposure guidelines recommended by national and international bodies. Based on such reviews recommendations were made on the most appropriate reference guideline for the situation under investigation. As a member of the Subcommittee on Upper Reference Limits of Nutrients, this toxicologist also assisted the United States Academy of Sciences/Food & Nutrition Board in setting Dietary Reference Intakes, including the Upper Reference Level (toxicity) of nutrients.

Phoenix’s professionals have a long history of involvement with multi-year research projects, both as principal scientists and in the capacity of project management. Past studies have related to isocyanate sensitization, respirator fit testing, and protective measures in CBRN response.

While working on behalf of our clients, several Phoenix professionals have testified in court and before adjudication tribunals, as well as at an Ontario Labour Relations Board Hearing. We also have been retained by counsel of the WSIAT, to help the Tribunal interpret and apply highly technical reports submitted by the hygienists from the worker and employer sides.

Phoenix OHC has developed and delivered professional training sessions at university-based facilities and at national and international conferences. Phoenix personnel serve as ongoing adjunct members of university faculty. We also provide client requested seminars and training workshops both in-house (at the client facilities) and externally for multi-source participants. Some of these have been delivered in Asia and in Eastern Europe.

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